Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Compact Fluorescent versus Incandescent

We have had a lot of questions about the possible requirements to purchase compact fluorescent lamps instead of cheaper incandescent lamps. Here are some basic facts.

The typical 60W incandescent lamp is about 850 lumens and a 15W compact fluorescent lamp is 900 lumens. The fluorescent lamp produces the same amount of light for a quarter of the electricity.

Incandescent lamps that are 60W and rated for 850 lumens are rated for a 1000 hour life. There are longer life 60W lamps but the lumens are lower so we will use the 1000 hour 850 lumen 60W lamp for this comparison. The 15W compact fluorescent equivalent is rated for 10,000 hours. For every compact fluorescent lamp you purchase you have to purchase ten equivalent incandescent lamps.

If you pay 10¢ per kwh for your electricity and the typical compact fluorescent lamp lasts for 10,000 hours the electrical cost for a 15W compact fluorescent lamp is $15.00 over the life of the lamp. (15W x 10,000H=150,000W/H=150KWH x 10¢ = $15.00). The cost of operating the 60W incandescent lamp for 10,000 hours is $60.00. The compact fluorescent lamp saves $45.00 in electricity over the life of the lamp.

The typical 15W compact fluorescent lamp costs $2.00 to $3.00 when you buy packs of three or four. If you buy a 24 pack of 60W incandescent lamps you will pay around 40¢ per light bulb. While the incandescent lamps are cheaper to buy per bulb they cost a lot more to operate and are not really cheaper in the long run.

A challenge with fluorescent lighting is that the lamps contain mercury. 2% of commercial and 0% of residential fluorescent lamps are recycled. Most fluorescent lamps containing mercury end up in the landfill. This poses a danger to people handling the lamps if they break such as consumers discarding the lamps and garbage collectors. In sufficient quantities it may pose a local environmental hazard as well. It is important to address how we are going to dispose of these lamps because required by law or not many people are using these lamps.
